
12:23 Jun 8th, 2012 | Edited: 13:22 Oct 28th, 2012


XP: 350,700
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Changes and updates

I'll be recording updates, changes, additions and fixes to here.

March 22
- Untold amounts of changes an additions during the past 5 months.

October 29
- Game map is now live
- Many miscellaneous improvements

October 24
- Change to upgrade costs
- Shields are 80% cheaper

October 21
- Various changes
- New gif default is off (opt in)
- VIPs can spectate games

October 20
- Introduction of VIP users.
- Readable timers
- Other small bug fixes

October 16
- Various changes since v2 launched. Too many to itemize.

October 7
- v2 launched.

Sept 2
- To prevent spamming in the forum, you must have at least 1 XP to post.

August 29
- Bug fix

August 1
- Expansion Juice set from 15,000km to 12,000km per half hour.

July 17
- Game map performance significantly increased

July 8
- Satellites 2.0 now allows you to see the total number of troops and tanks players have (bottom of map page).
- Added Air Travel requirement to research Nukes
- Small game map speed improvement

June 30
- Player limit has been increased to 8
- Added game chat wall

June 24
- Added Air Travel research item.

June 16
- Game map should be considerably faster.

June 14
- Expanded Satellites upgrade
June 10
- Air Drops added. These give will give you a random gift sent to one of your countries. You're reset to 1 air drop every half hour, so use them often, because they're not saved up.
- UI changes throughout the game.

June 9
New index page

June 7
Forum added! All new announcements and discussion will take place there.

June 5
Panda Tournament registration is open.
Fixed a glaring email issue that had gone unnoticed

June 1
New Feature: Research & Development! Now you can research Nukes, Religion and Power Napalm in your games.

May 27
New invasion results page

May 25
UI changes

May 24

May 21
Added unit transaction history page. Find it under your troop/tank drop down box.
Shuffled some stuff in the game top bar.

May 19
Expansion Juice added. More info
Several UI changes

May 11
Capital perks added. Your initial country is now your capital and will give you cheaper units when building/recruiting there.
The game maps should load up to 40% faster now.

May 10
Several balance changes have been made. Specifics.

May 8
Badges will now appear when you do awesome things. There aren't many in the database yet. Hit up /r/MastermindGame or message Admin if you have an idea for one!

May 7
You can now set a slogan for your empire.

May 6
There is now a join limit of 2 per game.
The All Stars Game 1 has begun.
Bad things will happen if your population is unstable.
Interface tweaks

May 3
You can now upload your own avatars!

May 1
The number of clicks it takes to invade or occupy has been cut in half!

April 30
You can now add other players as friends, see what games they're in and their battle logs.

April 29
Several balance and gameplay changes.

April 28
You can now fortify your countries with shields

April 27
You can now create your own custom games with passwords for you and your friends!
Added battle logs (updated)
You can now recruit/build units in multiple countries with a single step.

April 26
Messaging has been expanded. You can now message other players, and view messages outside of games.

April 25
Inactive players have been pruned, which opened up a lot of full games.
Money deposits now occur every half hour (you will receive half of your hourly income every 30 minutes). The total hourly amounts are also somewhat increased.

April 24
The in-game navigation bar has been shuffled around and made more compact.
Lots of bug fixes and patched holes.
Initial starting units have been increased by 40%.
Map has been modified so you can see countries within your attack distance without having to click them.

02:46 Jun 9th, 2012


XP: 350,700
LVL: 10
Wins: 26
Posts: 244

New index page. Sucks way less than the old one.

23:38 Jun 13th, 2012


XP: 350,700
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Posts: 244

Satellites have been expanded

04:55 Jun 20th, 2012


XP: 26,400
LVL: 6
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Posts: 2

can we please not be made to pay every time we move our troops pleeeeaaasssee

10:27 Jun 20th, 2012


XP: 350,700
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Wins: 26
Posts: 244

Do you not think it's a good balance to the game?

12:15 Jun 25th, 2012 | Edited: 11:15 Jun 25th, 2012


XP: 2,051,500
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Posts: 3

"June 24
- Added Air Travel research item."

I feel like that much of an attack range increase could cause mayhem in the regions with smaller countries (Europe, Africa as key examples) where you can skip over the entire area...

What if, after researching "Air Travel" you could purchase an "Air Strike" much like Napalms and Nukes, it would be a purchasable attack that had the increased range...?

16:31 Jun 25th, 2012


XP: 350,700
LVL: 10
Wins: 26
Posts: 244

Air Travel is meant to be an end-game thing, which will change the way people are playing by enabling attacks from Asia to North America. Hence the high price, which is easily afforded as most of the countries are taken.

17:26 Jul 19th, 2012


XP: 81,800
LVL: 7
Wins: 1
Posts: 20

You should add maybe Air Planes and ships as a suggestion! We can have dog fights in the air:)! And with the ships branch em out with Subs and such and go little more in depth with it! But hell first time look this game looks amazing :D!

20:58 Aug 28th, 2012


XP: 747,900
LVL: 11
Wins: 14
Posts: 1

Can you add some kind of restriction so that people can not forfeit a game when they start losing and then jump right back in with starting forces again. Something like a 24 hour restriction from a game after you forfeit. That will at least make it more of a fair game. This "cheating" crap is annoying.

23:52 Aug 28th, 2012


XP: 894,300
LVL: 11
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Posts: 11
I checked with v2 satellites, he has at least 900 tanks. Napalmed the inf down to insignificance, but it is clear that an important battle was fought, but enemy tank starts are missing. This has been a reoccurring thing...

10:23 Aug 29th, 2012


XP: 350,700
LVL: 10
Wins: 26
Posts: 244

Try now.

14:47 Sep 1st, 2012


XP: 350,700
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Wins: 26
Posts: 244

Added posting requirement to prevent spamming.

00:09 Sep 2nd, 2012


XP: 894,300
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Posts: 11


00:10 Sep 2nd, 2012


XP: 894,300
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Posts: 11

what is the requirement?

02:50 Sep 2nd, 2012


XP: 107,000
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Posts: 7

Nice updates, looking forward to the big 2.0 one I've been hearing about.

11:47 Sep 2nd, 2012


XP: 350,700
LVL: 10
Wins: 26
Posts: 244

what is the requirement?
You must have at least 1XP to post on the forum.

Nice updates, looking forward to the big 2.0 one I've been hearing about.
Me too, I'm really proud of it so far. There'll be open testing soon :)

10:01 Sep 7th, 2012


XP: 548,000
LVL: 10
Wins: 16
Posts: 3

Perhaps in the future, make it impossible to re-join a game after it has been left? I'm finding myself almost defeating an empire, only to have the user leave the game and return with significantly more troops. Not a problem during the late game (20,000 troops is nothing by that point), but early/mid game can make that more problematic.

11:11 Sep 7th, 2012


XP: 350,700
LVL: 10
Wins: 26
Posts: 244

That's fixed in v2. You're still able to rejoin once, but your starting units are considerably less in favor of better defenses.

16:52 Oct 19th, 2012


XP: 385,700
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Posts: 1

Ask people to disable their ad blocker for your website so as to get more monies!

18:32 Oct 19th, 2012


XP: 350,700
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Wins: 26
Posts: 244

Nah, I don't want to bother people with that. It feels like I'm begging for them to click ads. Hell, I use adblock :P

Instead, I want to beg them to donate. That's more classy.

Speaking of classy, I've added bowties to the forum.

20:38 Oct 27th, 2012


XP: 387,700
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Posts: 26

I say old chap that's jolly classy

20:39 Oct 27th, 2012


XP: 387,700
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Posts: 26

But how do you get the bow ties?

22:15 Oct 27th, 2012


XP: 350,700
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Posts: 244

Become a VIP member.

23:59 Jan 31st, 2013


XP: 47,700
LVL: 7
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Posts: 2

Would it be possible for you to add the ability to rename countries once taken over? Or would this disrupt the gameplay mechanics too much?

21:23 Feb 2nd, 2013


XP: 364,700
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Wins: 4
Posts: 8

I don't think i we can do that. Thanks for the idea though any others are definitely welcome

00:22 Feb 6th, 2013


XP: 47,700
LVL: 7
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Posts: 2

Just to clarify, would it be impossible because it would make the game too confusing or because it would be too difficult to engineer?

If the former, you could make it an option upon the start of a server. If the latter, I understand.

11:19 Feb 8th, 2013


XP: 364,700
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Wins: 4
Posts: 8

I believe it would be too difficult in terms of engineering. I have been looking a lot at building new maps and this is one of those things that isn't easy

10:25 Feb 22nd, 2013


XP: 453,000
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Posts: 1

Hey could we have it so we can make are own games again? or can we still do that (I haven't been on in a while) because i just find myself joining a game and someone has already got like 47 countries

04:21 Mar 21st, 2013


XP: 2,305,800
LVL: 13
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Posts: 6

Why cant we make our own games anymore? Who are making the games for us to join?

11:16 Mar 22nd, 2013 | Edited: 11:17 Mar 22nd, 2013


XP: 3,100
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Posts: 1

i have to agree it is weird not being able to start your own game, at least there is a hour that new games start?

13:07 Mar 22nd, 2013


XP: 277,000
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Posts: 6

You can now create games.

21:52 Mar 22nd, 2013


XP: 701,500
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Posts: 12

Wonderful. c:

16:58 Mar 23rd, 2013


XP: 169,000
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Posts: 3

I cant join any games, it says i dont have enough M points, but i can get anymore m points if i cant join a game

11:53 Mar 25th, 2013


XP: 277,000
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Posts: 6

That issue should be fixed.

04:56 Jun 25th, 2013


XP: 111,400
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Posts: 1

It should be like it was in the previous updates where you could play with friends at no cost, not this new update where you cant even play because either people take up spots or you need mastermind points. Although you can pay for MP i'm not going to waste 'my' money on something pointless.

01:37 Jul 14th, 2013 | Edited: 01:41 Jul 14th, 2013


XP: 146,200
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Posts: 3

I think there should be different maps not just the world like maybe add in a forest map and create random names for the different sectors and a galaxy map! (Maybe add in a mechanic that allows users to create their own map that will cost 75 m points?) Also add in more troops such as Dogs and Scouts and Rats! (Rats would carry a desease that takes out would take out Soldiers over time) And also increase your population happiness by putting up Churches and stuff! Each church would increase your population happiness by 4-5% :D and Something better than nukes that take out 50% of every troop in 4 countries (Even your own) which would cost 15-20 million and would take 3 hours too build! Also my last idea. an item that you can use on a country and stop them from producing units in it for 3 hours (Cost maybe 300k because it only stops 1 countries production) :D I hope some of these ideas will get implemented in the future!

00:11 Aug 7th, 2013


XP: 377,000
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Posts: 17

:( I feel sad, since I was around since you released the game. If I had the link on my new desktop I'd be the highest level on here D: ..

17:14 Oct 5th, 2013


XP: 352,200
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Posts: 6

Is it possible to remove cost from creating custom games because when no one has Mpoints to create custom games, then no one can play... especially when there are games where there is no room for players

22:41 Oct 5th, 2013


XP: 701,500
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Posts: 12

mPoints to create games is what destroyed the community of this website.

19:51 Dec 9th, 2013


XP: 980,000
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Posts: 3

so true, i actually was playing this game 2 months ago

14:41 Dec 12th, 2013


XP: 548,300
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Posts: 8

Please add some sort of mechanic that auto-creates free games for people to play on, because most people on the site cannot play!

11:30 Dec 19th, 2013


XP: 40,400
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Posts: 3

This game has changed loads since I last logged in. Why do we now have to pay to play what's a free games?

Just add adverts if you're in money troubles.

11:45 Apr 20th, 2015


XP: 34,600
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13:50 Dec 6th, 2015


XP: 1,039,400
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13:51 Dec 6th, 2015


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03:01 Dec 21st, 2015


XP: 3,140,600
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I agree hopefully now There will be enough free games that im creating

20:24 Sep 22nd, 2016


XP: 392,700
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What if everyone had the ability to make one free game a week for each player...and the game could have anything that MP can use to change the game rules at the beginning of creating the new game.....please take this in mind

19:49 Sep 29th, 2016


XP: 485,500
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Posts: 1

Also what i mean by a week...i also mean like each week this ability restarts for everyone so each week we can all start our own game and play with our friends and others.

01:39 Oct 31st, 2016


XP: 787,000
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Has anyone else been wondering where the admin has been for the past 4 years? i donated to be a vip a year ago, and still haven't gotten it.

07:25 Nov 26th, 2016


XP: 408,900
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Posts: 1

Hey, i won my first game!

11:18 Feb 23rd, 2017


XP: 1,064,600
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Posts: 9

where the fuck r the fucking updates the game has been the same for 3 years now

10:40 Mar 6th, 2017


XP: 1,064,600
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Posts: 9

After a while old gams that no one has won should be deleted, there are five or 6 games that have been in for years and no one can join them because all of the countries are taken

23:08 Feb 19th, 2019


XP: 282,600
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Posts: 1

you piece shit get on here and fix this game


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