
09:58 Jul 17th, 2012


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I'd like to suggest multi-clicking in the dropdowns. I think it'd be a huge increase of functionality to be able to click 8 countries that i'd like to move units from. (if you multi-click, then they come out of the countries evenly or some such).

Also, on the note of moving units, do units teleport for free? As far as i can tell/read, it costs nothing to move units from japan to canada if i control everything. I'd recommend a cost, and perhaps a fraction of lost units in the transfer?

10:36 Jul 17th, 2012


XP: 350,700
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Posts: 244

Moving units is going to be reworked a bit soon to add some balance.

11:46 Jul 17th, 2012


XP: 86,500
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Posts: 9

Any thoughts to the multi-move? I mean its often that you want to consolidate one attacking force, being able to expedite that would be good, make it so people that don't sit here and play constantly have Too much of an advantage over people that want to stop in for 15 minutes a few times a day.

11:58 Jul 17th, 2012


XP: 350,700
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Yeah, definitely. I'm probably going to add some kind of cost, but add the multiselect. Just have to nail down the performance issues first :)

11:59 Jul 17th, 2012 | Edited: 11:00 Jul 17th, 2012


XP: 86,500
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Any way of putting in stars for capitols, so we can visualize the distance between countries?

And/or a note in the attack window for when you're out of range? It would take 1200 juice to attack from here to here.. etc

12:40 Jul 17th, 2012 | Edited: 11:41 Jul 17th, 2012


XP: 350,700
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Posts: 244

I like the capital stars idea, would definitely clarify it a bit.

And/or a note in the attack window for when you're out of range? It would take 1200 juice to attack from here to here.. etc
Actually, when you click the countries, you'll be notified if they're out of your range. If you're in range, the drop down box will tell you the number kilometers distance your country is (which would be the juice cost).

12:44 Jul 17th, 2012


XP: 86,500
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Posts: 9

1 tank doesn't seem to have the option to be moved..

12:46 Jul 17th, 2012


XP: 86,500
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Posts: 9

I understand that you'll see that in the drop down, but knowing how far out of range would be great. Or what countries that you don't control are within range.

For example, i can't attack australia/papa new guinea without an attack upgrade, i have no way of knowing that until i get down close to papa/australia, and have nothing within range.

14:18 Jul 17th, 2012


XP: 350,700
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Posts: 244

You should be able to see it on the map itself. Countries that you cannot reach will appear dimmer. If you're not able to see this, send me a screenshot.


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